Churchill's electoral defeat in July 1945 was ensured in late September 1942.
To prove that it really did reject the soon to be released Beveridge Report, the British (Conservative Party-dominated) government's all-powerful Ministry of Supply (MOS), together with representatives of the academic-military-civil servant medical science establishment, met on that date to set the British Commonwealth's production levels for penicillin for the remainder of the war.
(And first let us remind ourselves, because today's English academics - save only David Edgerton - never do , that the civilian and military populations of the 1940s British Commonwealth cum Empire were larger than those of America.)
To prove that it really did reject the soon to be released Beveridge Report, the British (Conservative Party-dominated) government's all-powerful Ministry of Supply (MOS), together with representatives of the academic-military-civil servant medical science establishment, met on that date to set the British Commonwealth's production levels for penicillin for the remainder of the war.
(And first let us remind ourselves, because today's English academics - save only David Edgerton - never do , that the civilian and military populations of the 1940s British Commonwealth cum Empire were larger than those of America.)