The biggest single attraction of the A Bomb for America, circa 1945, was how expensive it was.
So expensive that only America could seem to afford it.
A de facto economic atomic monopoly.
Only America couldn't afford it, could it ?
It isn't yet as bankrupt as the only other nation to mount a globe-spanning nuclear weapons delivery system - but with six trillion and counting in America tax dollars pissed away , it soon will be.
By contrast, all the dozens and dozens of nations denied their own nuclear bomb systems have become economic , cultural and moral rivals of America because they haven't had the expense or moral dilemmas that come with owning the Bomb.
Will we look back in the future and see the America decision to go it alone with the A-Bomb and to throw away all the goodwill earned with selfless wartime Penicillin as the nadir for American exceptionalism ?
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